Wednesday, January 27, 2010

is music poetry

i think vanilla twilight is poetry because it not only has most potetic terms it show the emotion expressed through the lyrics.

i think the chorous of shots makes it not poetry because its too repettitive its just the same word 32 times and everybody twice and in my point of view that is not poetry.

#1. i think that it depends on what is said and how its put.

#2. all of the terms are expressed in rap/hip hop

#3. i am a context crituque because if the content dosen't make sense or it has no meaning, generaly i dont like it. every word in music and a poem needs to fit into the overall meaning of the peice. every word has to have value.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

a clean well lighted place

Part 1.

A well lighted place is significant because the old man needs a place to drink with dignity. Instead of going to a bar he went to a clean cafe. The older waiter agrees seeing as he is getting old as well. The older waiter feels that he and the old man have more pride thus deserve a clean and well lighted place to get drunk.

I think the characters are nameless because Hemingway feels it would be easier for his audience to relate to any of the characters. By making them nameless and with very little personality it is easier to mold the character a little to fit any person. For example I can relate to the older waiter, I don't drink but I fit his patient, easy-going, and laid back personality. I also fit the old man and his feel for nature in all its grace and him just wanting to be alone to enjoy it with a certain respect in a clean and well lighted place.

They both are experiencing old age and have respect for the night. They are very patient and like to drink but with dignity. The waiter understands how the older man comes to a nice place to drink and not a bar because he is going through the same thing. The younger waiter is there to show the contrast between younger people and older people. They are significantly different because the younger man wants the old man to leave and is very impatient where the older waiter wants him to stay.

The old man is sitting at the cafe late at night drinking.

The younger waiter wants him to leave so he can go home.

Crisis decision:
The older waiter tries to explain to the younger one the old man's point of view.

The old man leaves and the older waiter closes up and talks to himself while walking to a bar.

The older waiter gets a drink and leaves.

Because of the older waiter’s consistent feelings of solitary with the old man. He understands and defends him because he too prefers a clean, well-lighted cafe to a bar or bodega.

Part 2

Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961) as shown in his short story he was a drinker but he also participated in ww1. He was very fond of Cuba and south Florida, in the book the older and younger waiter were of Spanish descent. Like the old man Hemingway has been married and is very wealthy.